Every year my wife as well as I have a tune-up on our HVAC system! The tune-up is a great way to make sure that my heating, a/c, as well as ventilation system is clean as well as working always, and hVAC tune-ups can cover a lot of unusual points as well as find issues that the naked eye might not see, my wife as well as I have an HVAC provider that has a 55-point checklist covering all of our machines.
The serviceman checks the smoke as well as carbon monoxide detectors as well as they inspect the control unit.
They look at all the wiring as well as attachions to make sure that nothing is loose or afraid. They check the drain line as well as change the air filter. They also check the ventilation system as well as HVAC duct, however last year when my wife as well as I had our annual tune-up, the serviceman suggested that it was time to clean as well as sanitize the HVAC duct, then during the winter months, my friend and I had a lot of dust storms as well as there was a lot of build up inside of the HVAC duct. The ventilation was affected as well as a lot of dust as well as sand was still inside the house. The serviceman suggested getting the repair done sooner than later. The serviceman estimated me a price for the services! It was more than I wanted to spend, but I was going to be able to save $119 on the total price of the repair if I had the work done now instead of calling for a repair at a later time. That’s one great thing about the tune-up. If they find a problem as well as it needs to be repaired, I do not have to pay any additional fees for a repair call.