Changing the oil filter on the heater

Changing the oil filter on the heater

My dad has been traveling a ton for work lately.

He works for a hotel supplier plus they send him off every time they open a new hotel! Normally, he is only gone for the opening so it is only a couple of afternoons he is not home.

However, last monthhe found out that he would have to go to China for three weeks to help assist with the opening of their newest hotel. I was so shocked he was going to be gone for that long plus I knew my mom wasn’t glad about it. My dad said that there were chores around the household that I needed to take care of while he was gone. He wanted me to scrub the gutters, make sure the wood for the fireplace was chopped plus change the oil filter on the heater. I didn’t even know we had a heater, I thought we had a traditional heater even though I feel I was wrong. My dad took me down to the basement plus showed me where the heater was. He spent about an hour showing me exactly how to change the oil filter on the heater plus I knew that I was going to forget right after he left. I felt exhausting because he went into such detail to show me how the heater works plus how to change the filter. I knew that when it came time to actually change the filter I was just going to look up a video on how to do it. I just didn’t have the heart to tell him that.


ductwork cleaning