I have been a teacher for about five years now, i really cherish the teenagers I teach and I really can’t imagine doing anything else.
I teach math and science to ninth graders and they really are the cutest teenagers.
It brings me pleasure to watch them learn everyday. However, one thing has really been driving me silly lately and it has nothing to do with the teenagers that I teach; The college district I work in is really awful and there are a lot of things that need to be fixed around the college that my friend and I just can’t afford to have fixed, but one thing that has become a real concern lately is the heating and cooling system, and right now my friend and I are in the middle of the Springtime and the air conditioning stopped toiling last week. I know that the college doesn’t have the money to have the air conditioning fixed, so I haven’t brought up the issue to the principal at my college. However, the parents are starting complain that the air conditioning isn’t toiling because their teenagers come household everyday and they are drenched in sweat. I am starting to feel awful for my teenagers, so I went out and bought two air conditioning window units to help bring down the moderate temperature of my classroom. I really hope this helps because I don’t see the air conditioning being fixed by the college board anytime soon. I am going to start a fundraiser and hopefully the parents that have been complaining can donate money to have the air conditioning fixed for the teenagers.