My spouse plus I have been having major concerns with money for the past few weeks, then my spouse has never worked, which was nice with me because my pal and I have five youngsters, plus it would cost more to put them in childcare, but so, my pal and I both decided that it would be a wonderful idea for him to quit his job, then i lost my job two weeks ago plus to say it has been a struggle would be an understatement… Like I said my pal and I have five youngsters plus they cost a lot of money. I am worried that if I don’t get another job soon, my pal and I might go into major debt, but well, last night when I was going to the lavatory in the middle of the night I noticed that my air conditioner wasn’t working properly. I thought maybe I turned off the a/c before my pal and I went to bed, however turns out that was not the case, our air conditioner wasn’t working altogether. I knew this would be an expense that would truly hurt us. So reluctantly I called an Heating plus Air Conditioning company to have them come out to our household plus look at the broken Heating plus Air Conditioning system. I am so worried that my pal and I are going to go into financial trouble over the Heating plus Air Conditioning system. I told my spouse about my worries over the Heating plus Air Conditioning system, but he didn’t seem worried about the Heating plus Air Conditioning system at all. I wish that he would understand that having the air conditioner fixed could put us into debt.