My sister has to get a new air conditioning system before the baby comes

My sister has to get a new air conditioning system before the baby comes

My sister has to get a new air conditioning system before the baby comes in August.

She has been complaining to me for weeks now about the fact that the central air conditioning system in their house hasn’t been working correctly.

I know that she has been dealing with a lot of things while she’s trying to get everything ready for the baby so I have been feeling pretty bad for her. I know that she has a lot going on and so I have been trying to help her out for a while over the past couple of weeks. I don’t know why her husband is taking so long to get the air conditioning installed in the house. I mean, he has known for a long time now that the baby is coming and he’s had plenty of time to get his act together. I personally think that my brother in law really isn’t all that great. I don’t think that he deserves my sister because she is literally the best person ever. I think that maybe he does not really realize how uncomfortable she has been over the past seven months of this pregnancy. Or if he does realize it, he just doesn’t care as much as he should. The whole thing really makes me mad. They really do need to get their air conditioning system fixed before the baby comes, and I’m getting ready to just make an appointment and pay for it myself. I know that it is not really my place to interfere, but she is my sister after all. I just want her to have her air conditioning system and feel comfortable when she brings home her first baby. I don’t think that that’s too much to ask.

air conditioning system