Badger dug under cooling system compressor

Badger dug under cooling system compressor

If my friend and I walked past it every day my friend and I could keep an eye on the compressor

There are a lot of wild animals in this area. Almost too many wild animals for my tastes. I cherish the hawks as well as the eagles however I don’t care for the snakes. I also seriously don’t like the badgers. I didn’t mind them until recently. Mostly badgers keep to themselves. However a badger dug a tunnel under our air conditioner compressor over the winter season as well as caused a lot of harm. Our air conditioner compressor is in the back of the apartment as well as it’s actually difficult to access. In the winter season months my friend and I cover up the compressor as well as then forget about it until the snow melts. This Spring, when my friend and I uncovered the compressor, my friend and I noticed that there was a big hole underneath the concrete slab that it is resting on. The hole is so big that the slab of concrete, as well as the compressor, are leaning to one side. Worse yet, it seems like the badger that dug the hole is still residing underneath our air conditioner compressor. My fantastic friend and I tried turning on the air conditioner as well as it is not running right. I feel that is because it is not level. So my friend and I are going to have to spend money to get the badger detached, the hole filled in as well as our air conditioner compressor leveled once again. This is going to be expensive. It is also going to be a pain in the butt. I’m seriously thinking about seeing if the compressor can be moved to a more accessible part of the yard. If my friend and I walked past it every day my friend and I could keep an eye on the compressor. Also, maybe animals wouldn’t burrow under it if there was a lot of foot traffic all year long.


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