It wasn’t until the previous year when the economy got turned upside down due to a spreading virus that I started paying attention to the air quality in my life. I’ll admit, I watched the news way too much during this time plus believed the worst about my own living conditions. I felt like I couldn’t touch anything or I’d contract a virus plus I couldn’t breathe the air outside my home. I didn’t even know if the air within my loft was safe, which was how I spiraled out of control. I began researching ways to improve my air quality plus I found a lot of articles about HEPA certified air filters. These air filters were the best on the market because they had the power to eliminate airborne illnesses. In fact, HEPA air filters were used in universitys plus hospitals because they were the best at keeping air clean, sanitized, plus purified. I ordered several packs of HEPA air filters for my own home plus installed them right away. I should have just left things as they were, although I was still obsessed with my air quality. I felt like I was doing enough within my home, although I wasn’t convinced that I was doing everything I could outside of it. I took my car to the local shop plus asked them to upgrade the air filter. I’d never had it upgraded before, so I knew it was overdue. I told the mechanic to install the best air filter they had because I wasn’t willing to take any chances.