Air Vent Location in Houses

Air Vent Location in Houses

When I was cabin searching, I had a very particular requirement. Not only did the Heating and Air Conditioning system need to be under a decade old, however I wanted electric heat and air with air vents in great spots on the floor… Growing up, I lived in a cabin with radiant heat and there

Contine Reading

Wishing a Mexican food truck would open a diner

Wishing a Mexican food truck would open a diner

There is a Mexican food truck that passes by my section of work faithfully every Sunday as well as Sunday. The food they sell out there on the streets outside my business is absolutely amazing! I’ve learned that I need to get out there hastily to get in line, because they are seriously popular. I

Contine Reading

Too warm for the plants

Too warm for the plants

I was in charge of the annual awards banquet at my place of employment. For years I had been involved in its planning, plus when the supervisor stepped down last year, I was appointed to take her site, since hundreds of people attend each year, I rented a place with space enough to seat everyone,

Contine Reading

Air conditioning can be harmful to houseplants

Air conditioning can be harmful to houseplants

One thing I prefer about my fiance is his prefer for plants plus his orange thumb. My good friend and I moved in together when my buddy and I were dating, plus I noticed that he instantly filled our dwelling with houseplants. When my buddy and I purchased a house, he also designed plus created

Contine Reading

I obtained a humidifier for my hubby

I obtained a humidifier for my hubby

I adore my sweet hubby. He is such a enjoyable man. I could literally brag on him all afternoon long. He works so hard to provide for our family, plus I am so thankful for him. He has a concern with snoring though, plus it keeps me from getting a enjoyable night’s sleep. I hate

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Old highschool friend

Old highschool friend

I haven’t lived in the city I grew up in for many years now. I think I left the year I graduated from high school and never looked back. I come from a really tiny town in the middle of nowhere and their isn’t much opportunity to succeed. I went to college in another state

Contine Reading

Air Vent Location in Houses

Air Vent Location in Houses

When I was house searching, I had a really unique requirement. Not only did the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system need to be under a decade old, however I wanted electric heat & air with air vents in fantastic spots on the floor, and growing up, I lived in a house with radiant heat &

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The advantages of hiring seasoned cooling workers

The advantages of hiring seasoned cooling workers

My Mom enjoys laboring with the best professionals in any industry. I have known one plumber all my life because Mom cannot hire anyone else. This is something that he has also instilled in us from when my associate and I were children. You can now understand the dilemma I was in when I moved

Contine Reading

Teaching with no ac

Teaching with no ac

I have been a teacher for about five years now. I really love the kids I teach and I really can’t imagine doing anything else. I teach math and science to third graders and they really are the cutest kids. It brings me joy to watch them learn everyday. However, one thing has really been

Contine Reading

She Didn’t Think Something Was Wrong

She Didn’t Think Something Was Wrong

My partner was in denial that anything was wrong with our air conditioning. I knew something was wrong several weeks before because I was picking up on unusual air patterns. Some of the rooms in our apartment were cooler than others and the air conditioning sounded as if it was struggling to keep up. My

Contine Reading

Cool and refreshing

Cool and refreshing

The only way I can describe my day was long, hot, and muggy. I travelled for 10 hours in a car with a broken A/C system. We had to transport all of my daughter’s belongings to her college dorm room and it was less than enjoyable. Most of the returning students went back to school

Contine Reading

Changing the oil filter on the furnace

Changing the oil filter on the furnace

My dad has been traveling a ton for work lately. He works for a hotel corporation & they send him off every time they open a modern hotel… Normally, he is only gone for the opening so it is only a couple of afternoons he is not home. However, last monthhe found out that he

Contine Reading

Air conditioning can be harmful to houseplants

Air conditioning can be harmful to houseplants

One thing I cherish about my hubby is his cherish for plants and his orange thumb. My good friend and I moved in together when my good friend and I were dating, and I noticed that he immediately filled our apartment with houseplants. When my good friend and I bought a house, he also designed

Contine Reading

Using Heating & A/C during a fire

Using Heating & A/C during a fire

Lately in the area that I live my pal and I have been having really bad fires, and everyday you hear horror stories in the news about the fire destroying homes & leaving people with nothing. Thankfully, my pal and I have not been in the direct line of fire, but the smoke in the

Contine Reading

The renters ruined our HVAC unit

The renters ruined our HVAC unit

In the rental unit that we have across the street from our house, we usually get really good renters. Usually we don’t have any problems with them at all, but this time we got some duds! These people have been causing issues at our rental property ever since they moved in last year, and I

Contine Reading

Badger dug under air conditioner compressor

Badger dug under air conditioner compressor

I’m seriously thinking about seeing if the compressor can be moved to a more accessible part of the yard There are a lot of wild animals in this area. Almost too various wild animals for my tastes. I appreciate the hawks and the eagles but I hate the snakes. I also seriously hate the badgers.

Contine Reading

The odor of marijuana was strong, but that’s ok with me

The odor of marijuana was strong, but that’s ok with me

I often go to maintenance A/C units at apartments. When there is no certified Heating and A/C maintenance person on the staff plus crew, it is necessary to call a maintenance supplier. I have many strange apartment buildings that I properly service. Last weekend, I went to help a guy with an air conditioner problem.

Contine Reading

Loud Heating, Ventilation & A/C system

Loud Heating, Ventilation & A/C system

I recently gave birth to two charming baby women! I was so cheerful when I found out that I was having twins & my partner couldn’t wait either… My buddy and I already have a three year outdated boy & he is the light of our lives, so my pal and I couldn’t wait to

Contine Reading

Do Movie Stars Have Better Lives Than Us?

Do Movie Stars Have Better Lives Than Us?

From the outside it looks like an amazing life of excitement plus fun. But when you get down to the real deal with a famous film star it seems like they have less freedom plus peace than us normal folk. Once the thrill of the money plus fame wears off you are left with a

Contine Reading

Stress and Anxiety Due to Old Furnace

Stress and Anxiety Due to Old Furnace

I’ve been enjoying the cool air from my air conditioning all summer time long, my air conditioning was replaced two years ago, so it’s still in great shape and cooling my dwelling efficiently, however i love knowing that my air conditioning is reliable and it’s going to keep my apartment cool. I wish I could

Contine Reading

Heated weather this time of year

Heated weather this time of year

I am not one who likes to use energy unless I legitimately have to With the weather being unusually hot this time of year it has caused me to use my central heating and a/c’s cooling a lot more than proper this time of the year. Usually you get a few hot afternoons here and

Contine Reading

I miss my old fireplace

I miss my old fireplace

My husband and I had to move about two years ago, and it was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. We now live almost eight hundred miles away from both of our families, and I miss them so much. I love to travel, but the best part was coming home to

Contine Reading

Going to a baseball game in the summertime

Going to a baseball game in the summertime

I prefer watching live activitys games. Since the pandemic I haven’t been able to go to any activitys games and now I am finally able to go back and watch them live. So my bestie got us tickets to go see a baseball game and I cannot be more excited. Since my pal and I

Contine Reading

Moving away from my mom

Moving away from my mom

I have lived in the same state my entire life. It is in the southern part of the country plus I cherish that the weather is hot all year round. Growing up I could not ever imagine that I would transport away from this paradise that I call home. I cherish the year round summer

Contine Reading

I responded to an emergency call late one evening

I responded to an emergency call late one evening

My friends and I get ridiculous during baseball season! We adore to cheer on our number one teams. Most of us root for the same team, but a couple of guys root for the other city team. When the two teams play each other, my pal and I get rowdy. Towards the end of last

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