When I purchased a window a/c a week ago I was truly excited about it.
Apart from using my central a/c, I did not have any other kind of AC system and I was looking forward to using an additional AC system in conjunction with my central AC unit.
This is because it had been costing me more and more currency to run my central AC and I figured that if I could use a window air conditioner or something similar that I hadbe able to save currency on my yearly bills. So hey when you talk to my local heating and AC company and I bought the cheapest window a/c that they have available. And I thought that would be enough. I truly thought that this window a/c would be all that I needed. However, I soon would find out that I was wrong and that I would need much more than the window a/c if I wanted to cool down my home. This is because even when I had the window AC system in the window, it just did not cool the apartment like it was supposed to. In fact if anything I feel like all it did was blow in more hot air into the room. I had it in my living room window because I was hoping to go to sleep with the cool air blowing on me. But with all it was blowing hot and humid around it did not help me get any sleep at all. I later returned it and went with a ductless mini split instead.