AC not blowing frosty air

AC not blowing frosty air

It is the middle of the summer time in the part that I live in & it has been really hot so far, then it is only August & I have to make sure that my air conditioner is running at all times if I want to keep my dwelling cool.

I really hate running the air conditioner this often, however if I don’t then the dwelling will heat up way too quickly! One day last weekI woke up in the middle of the evening & felt like the heat was one, but my first thought was that I accidentally turned the boiler on while I was trying to adjust the temperature control before I went to bed, but however, right when I looked at the temperature control I knew that something more extreme was wrong; The temperature control was set to seventy-five degrees, however the air conditioner vents felt like there was heat coming out.

I don’t know why my air conditioner felt like heat was coming out, although I had a feeling that it was going to cost me more money than I wanted it too, but so, that day I called a local Heating & A/C company to come out to the dwelling immediately so that I could repair this problem quickly. I knew that it was too hot outside to be separate from the air conditioner for too long. I really hope that the Heating & A/C tech can repair the issue quickly because I don’t want to have to wake up hot again, that was just too much to handle.


heating and cooling equipment