The only way I can describe my day was long, hot, and muggy.
I travelled for 10 hours in a car with a broken A/C system.
We had to transport all of my daughter’s belongings to her college dorm room and it was less than enjoyable. Most of the returning students went back to school on one of the hottest days in August. After spending what seemed like an eternity in the car, we then had to lug all of the stuff up to the room. There was no A/C in her room as well. I felt like I would melt into a puddle of goo. Once she was settled we said our goodbyes and headed to the hotel room. I couldn’t even stand the thought of a hot shower so opted for a cool one instead. When I dressed and stepped into the room my husband had turned the air conditioning way down. Some may have found it a bit too cold, but for me, it was just what I needed. I stretched out on the bed to take a nap before dinner. The air was just lovely and I dreaded even leaving the room for dinner. I convinced my husband that ordering in pizza sounded like a much better idea. We settled in for a night of watching movies and enjoying the cool air. I was very thankful that our hotel had a quality HVAC system. The next day we were back in the hot and muggy car. I can not wait to get it to the repair shop when we get home.