Our heating and cooling system certainly needed to be substituted, then we’d been researching the whole Heating and Air Conditioning thing for quite awhile and finally selected the supplier to do the job.
- They were wonderful about giving us literature about what to expect before, during, and after the installation.
First they recommended that my friend and I transfer anything away from the section where the labor would be done. They had limited liability regarding homeowners’ possessions being harmd by the installers, however and they knew that my friend and I have a pet, so they recommended that my friend and I keep him away from the workers during the process. They gave us the names and background of the three men that would be doing the installation, stating that all of their labor would be warrantied. Of course the aged system had to be detached first, so they would need access to all of the areas of the home where the Heating and Air Conditioning device was housed… My pal and I were told to expect additional time if the existing ductwork needed repair and/or substitutement, and that one or two of the workers would begin that process while the lead installer would be assembling the Heating and Air Conditioning equipment. The professionals would install components such as the temperature control, drain lines, evaporator, compressors, and on and on the list went. The literature noted that there was consistently a opening of unforeseen circumstances, such as replacing rotten wall studs or drywall repairs. Finally, pressure and vacuum tests would be performed, along with several other mandated testing. At the completion of the installation, my friend and I should expect the dealers to go over the complete operation of the system with us. At that point, my friend and I could love the benefits of a comfortable home for several years to come.