Did you know about air purification systems?

Did you know about air purification systems?

Have you ever heard of heating and AC air purification systems? Do you know how they work? I know how they work because I have first-hand experience with them. If you do not know anything about them I shall tell you about them and why you should consider getting one. So first of all if

Contine Reading

I miss my aged fireplace

I miss my aged fireplace

My spouse and I had to move about two years ago, and it was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. My buddy and I now live almost eight hundred miles away from both of our families, and I miss them so much. I prefer to travel, but the best part was

Contine Reading

I bought a humidifier for my spouse

I bought a humidifier for my spouse

I prefer my sweet spouse. She is such a fantastic woman I could literally brag on him all day long. She works so hard to supply for our family, and I am so thankful for him. She has a problem with snoring though, and it keeps me from getting a fantastic night’s sleep. I dislike

Contine Reading

My classroom got a current window a/c unit

My classroom got a current window a/c unit

I’m a high school mentor as well as I have been getting ready for the current fall semester. It’s been a rush to try as well as make my classroom look as presentable as well as as inviting as possible. This, along with needing so much time for lesson planning of the first couple weeks

Contine Reading

Using Heating in addition to A/C while in a fire

Using Heating in addition to A/C while in a fire

Lately in the section that I live my friend and I have been having genuinely exhausting fires! Everyday you hear horror stories in the news about the fire destroying homes in addition to leaving people with nothing. Thankfully, my friend and I have not been in the direct line of fire, however the smoke in

Contine Reading

Old highschool friend

Old highschool friend

I haven’t lived in the city I grew up in for many years now. I think I left the year I graduated from high school and never looked back. I come from a really tiny town in the middle of nowhere and their isn’t much opportunity to succeed. I went to college in another state

Contine Reading

Preferring to shop online because of weather conditions control

Preferring to shop online because of weather conditions control

There’s a myriad of reasons why people have suddenly decided to stop going out to shop, that transition was going on long before the COVID-19 pandemic, then however, of course the pandemic has exacerbated the situation to the point where people have gotten rather used to being hermits, nearly, then i cannot say that I

Contine Reading

Old college friend

Old college friend

I haven’t lived in the city I grew up in for many years now, but i think I left the year I graduated from high college plus never looked back. I come from a actually tiny city in the middle of nowhere plus their isn’t much opportunity to succeed. I went to college in another

Contine Reading

Did you know about air purification systems?

Did you know about air purification systems?

Have you ever heard of heating and AC air purification systems? Do you know how they work? I know how they work because I have first-hand experience with them. If you don’t know anything about them I’ll tell you about them and why you should consider getting one. So first of all if you’ve ever

Contine Reading

The Dehumidifiers Were Great

The Dehumidifiers Were Great

Last year, during the middle of the summertime heat and humidity, we put dehumidifiers around our house. Our HVAC system was new enough to combat most of the humidity while running our air conditioner, but we wanted the extra protection from the moisture. Moisture from humidity can cause a lot of severe problems around a

Contine Reading

AC not blowing cold air

AC not blowing cold air

So, that day I called a local HVAC company to come out to the house right away so that I could fix this problem quickly It is the middle of the summer in the area that I live in and it has been really hot so far. It is only June and I have to

Contine Reading

Running is great but genuinely heats the body up

Running is great but genuinely heats the body up

I enjoy running, it is great for the mind and keeping yourself feeling good. I do it often and I find peace in running with headphones on. I always get sizzling and it’s a great way to stay in shape. I have experimented and devised ways to stay cool in the sizzling Summer heat. There

Contine Reading

Broken heater upsets employees

Broken heater upsets employees

When my job moved to a new building I was hoping it would be an improvement but I should have known better. The old building had shoddy plumbing and the paint was peeling off of the walls so I thought it couldn’t get any worse, boy was I mistaken. The “new” building is definitely as

Contine Reading

My classroom got a modern window air conditioning unit

My classroom got a modern window air conditioning unit

I wasn’t even expecting them to be upgraded, but I was legitimately actually gleeful when they were… Even though I set the same temperature on the thermostat as I did with the outdated ones, now it entirely feels like my desired temperature is reached! The air conditioner is entirely on the opposite side of the

Contine Reading

Going to a baseball game in the summertime

Going to a baseball game in the summertime

I prefer watching live sports games. Since the pandemic I haven’t been able to go to any sports games & now I am finally able to go back & watch them live. So my guy got us tickets to go see a baseball game & I cannot be more excited. Since my great friend and

Contine Reading

Ductless Mini Split System For Loft

Ductless Mini Split System For Loft

Our daughter is a teenager and she is very independent and assertive these days. All teenage girls go through a phase like this at some point in their lives, so I’m not surprised. I just take her attitude day by day and try to keep things as normal as possible. Recently, she’s been complaining about

Contine Reading