Let the event begin

Let the event begin

I have been living with the same boy four about three years now. My associate and I started out as roommate in university plus then begin living with each other again once my friend and I graduated. I have never had a complication living with Stacey before, however lately he has been acting honestly strange.

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The Dehumidifiers Were Great

The Dehumidifiers Were Great

Last year, during the middle of the summertime heat as well as humidity, my friend and I put dehumidifiers around our house, but our Heating and A/C system was new enough to combat most of the humidity while running our cooling system, however my friend and I wanted the extra protection from the moisture. Moisture

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My Grandmother’s apartment is just way too warm

My Grandmother’s apartment is just way too warm

I am pretty sure that most older people keep their apartment relatively warm. I totally understand it, as well as I am sure that I will do the same one afternoon, however my Grandmother takes it too far. I cannot assume that he has not had a heat stroke in his apartment yet. It is

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Changing the oil filter on the heater

Changing the oil filter on the heater

My dad has been traveling a ton for work lately. He works for a hotel supplier plus they send him off every time they open a new hotel! Normally, he is only gone for the opening so it is only a couple of afternoons he is not home. However, last monthhe found out that he

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He Didn’t Think Something Was Wrong

He Didn’t Think Something Was Wrong

My spouse was in denial that anything was wrong with our air conditioner. I knew something was wrong many weeks before because I was picking up on unusual air patterns. Some of the rooms in our cabin were cooler than others and the air conditioner sounded as if it was struggling to keep up. My

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Animal shelter loses heat

Animal shelter loses heat

I was working the phones for a small Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C company during the one of our busy seasons, and whenever people go from cooling to heat or heating to cooling, things seem to split down. This fall season seemed especially busy because my good friend and I were getting winter time

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Mop vacuum damaged ductwork

Mop vacuum damaged ductwork

I got my wife one of those vacuum cleaners that mops and vacuums at the same time. She really wanted one. I was completely fine with just using an old fashioned vacuum and mop myself but she insisted that this would make her life easier. Since she does do more of the house work than

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A/C tune up and a painter

A/C tune up and a painter

I had a real unusual situation the other day, I had a painter at my home doing some work as well as I also had the local heating as well as A/C supplier coming to do a tune up as well as check up on my central heating as well as a/c unit, and they

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Air conditioning can be harmful to houseplants

Air conditioning can be harmful to houseplants

It is honestly important that you do not sacrifice your own comfort for your plants One thing I appreciate about my hubby is his appreciate for plants & his green thumb. My friend and I moved in together when my buddy and I were dating, & I noticed that he instantly filled our property with

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Noisy HVAC system in new house

Noisy HVAC system in new house

I am a very light sleeper so I wasn’t gleeful when I noticed how noisy the heating and cooling system are in our new house. For some reason, it seems a lot louder in the dining room than in any other room of the house. I’m not sure if it genuinely is louder in the

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My air conditioner is working super well this year

My air conditioner is working super well this year

For some reason, I have had terrible advantage when it comes to air conditioners. I have only been using them for the past three summers, as well as each time, I have had troubles with them. I used to live further north, as well as I never needed an air conditioner. I would just open

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Body weight can affect indoor air comfort

Body weight can affect indoor air comfort

Many Americans struggle with their weight; My buddy and I live in a country where fast food is easy accessible, and healthy foods are often costly. My buddy and I have to labor to pay our bills, so my buddy and I do not typically have time to exercise, excess stress can also lead to

Contine Reading

Ductless Mini Split System For Loft

Ductless Mini Split System For Loft

Our child is a teenager plus she is very independent plus assertive these afternoons. All teenage ladies go through a stage like this at some point in their lives, so I’m not surprised! I just take her attitude afternoon by afternoon plus try to keep things as normal as possible, and recently, she’s been complaining

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I almost got bit by the guy’s pet during a routine tune up

I almost got bit by the guy’s pet during a routine tune up

A lot of the service calls at the AC corporation come from purchasers in the apartments closeby. The apartments are managed by a immense corporation that contracts services with our corporation for heating and AC related problems. The home management corporation also has a corporation that handles the pool, groundskeeping, service, and the electric and

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He Didn’t Think Something Was Wrong

He Didn’t Think Something Was Wrong

My husband was in denial that anything was wrong with our air conditioner. I knew something was wrong several weeks before because I was picking up on weird air patterns. Some of the rooms in our house were cooler than others and the air conditioner sounded as if it was struggling to keep up. My

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Moving further

Moving further

I have now lived in my modern neighborhood for about a year now and I have absolutely come a long way I have lived in the same state my entire life. It is in the southern part of the country and I care about that the weather is sizzling all year round, however growing up

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Without a/c in the summer, mold can thrive

Without a/c in the summer, mold can thrive

When I was completing my graduate degree in public health, one of my group assignments was to research different types of mold plus its effects. This sounds like a terribly boring topic, plus to be honest it was. Even though it was boring, this information was useful to me. When I first moved to the

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AC not blowing cold air

AC not blowing cold air

So, that day I called a local HVAC company to come out to the house right away so that I could fix this problem quickly It is the middle of the summer in the area that I live in and it has been really hot so far. It is only June and I have to

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I almost got bit by the guy’s pet during a routine tune up

I almost got bit by the guy’s pet during a routine tune up

The pet sat in the living room while I worked on the a/c repair; Everything seemed good until I was getting ready to leave. A lot of the repair calls at the A/C supplier come from patrons in the apartments closeby. The apartments are managed by a big supplier that contracts services with our supplier

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Makeup room

Makeup room

I have always wanted a big room in my house that was meant to get ready in. I don’t mean a bathroom when I say this either. I mean a giant room with big mirrors and flattering lights so that I can have a space to get ready in. I always see celebrities getting ready

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Sunroom vs. Screened in Porch

Sunroom vs. Screened in Porch

Recently, I decided to add an addition to my house. It was a big decision to make as well as a costly one. I not only wanted to open up the main floor plan, but I also wanted to add an extra room. I’d always dreamed of having a sunroom or a screened in porch

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He Didn’t Think Something Was Wrong

He Didn’t Think Something Was Wrong

My partner was in denial that anything was wrong with our air conditioning system. I knew something was wrong many weeks before because I was picking up on unusual air patterns. Some of the rooms in our dwelling were cooler than others plus the air conditioning system sounded as if it was struggling to keep

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The wild, wild west just got even wilder

The wild, wild west just got even wilder

Wow what a surprise, my trip to the west was evidently starting with some not so much fortune as they would say. My cards are regularly usually in my favor & god is on my side! I’m on his too, however this trip turned out to be a nightmare, a boiling sweaty long drawn out

Contine Reading

The benefit of working with a competent Heating & A/C worker

The benefit of working with a competent Heating & A/C worker

I have constantly believed in myself since I was young. Most of the small & minor electrical detriments have constantly been my task. My mom realized that I enjoyed mechanical things from when I was four & she encouraged me to explore this talent, and as such, I have grown to be such an indecent

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My air conditioning is working super well this year

My air conditioning is working super well this year

I have been using it for about four months now, plus I have not had any complications For some reason, I have had bad luck when it comes to air conditionings. I have only been using them for the past three summers, plus each time, I have had complications with them. I used to live

Contine Reading

My air conditioner is working super well this year

My air conditioner is working super well this year

For some reason, I have had bad luck when it comes to air conditioners. I have only been using them for the past three summers, and each time, I have had issues with them. I used to live further north, and I never needed an air conditioner. I would just open the windows in my

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